Pest Identification and Diagnosis
- 2018 Insect and Plant Disease Control Manual for Field Cros - University of Tennessee
- Diagnostic
Guide to Common Home Orchard Diseases - University of Georgia
- Diagnostic Services Portal - UF/IFAS
- Distance
Diagnostic and Identification System - UF/IFAS
- Featured
Creatures - UF/IFAS
- Florida First Detector - UF/IFAS, USDA, APHIS, PPQ, FDACS, CAPS, NPDN, SPN
- Florida's Major Agricultural Pests DVD - UF/IFAS
- Insect ID Lab at the University of Florida - UF/IFAS
- National Plant Diagnostic Network
- Plant Disease Management - EDIS, UF/IFAS
- Plantwise Knowledge Bank - CABI
- Sentinel Plant Network - USDA, APHIS, NPDN, APGA
- UF
Extension Weed Science Weed Identification - PowerPoint
- UF Plant Protection Insect ID Training Modules - UF/IFAS, FDACS/DPI, USDA/APHIS/PPQ
- U-Scout - UF/NFREC
- Vegetable Pests